Reason: That miniature 1911, the near equivalent of the Officer’s Model, demands perfect technique every time for accurate results. This latter point is no small consideration, we’ve found, because our staff has noticed that since adopting the previously tested Springfield V10 for a long-term test, our shooting skills have improved. This alone may account for the higher price of pocket guns that can serve as a last defense at close quarters or, in our view, a challenging firearm with which to sharpen shooting skills. 22LR round’s tepid power makes for chancy operation, even though it has to move relatively little mass and overcome less slide travel. Within the modern pistol, ammunition is the fuel that runs the gun, and the. 22 with you wherever you go, we found that downsizing the action costs a little more, both in terms of money and functionality. For about $200 retail, there are a number of very good target pistols that provide valuable range time with this economical cartridge. 22 caliber Long Rifle pistols, you can spend as little or as much as you want.